Friday, August 6, 2010

What is Inspiration?

IDEO Office, Sanfrancisco

In my previous post I gave a brief explanation of OpenIDEO's 'food challenge.' I have noticed going through the inspirations that many seem to not understand what it is. Many users are posting concepts instead. This is understandable since it could be easy to get the two mixed up.

Inspiration is meant to be for posting pictures, articles, videos, and other things that could be related to the challenge. This step is to help the community think differently, and give ideas for concepts.


Inspiration: I have recently planted a rooftop garden, here are some pictures. (pictures of their roof top garden)

Not Inspirations: We should have fast food restaurants grow rooftop gardens.

Yes these aren't the best examples but they illustrate my point. The Inspiration example isn't saying what to do, just showing something relating to the challenge. As for the Not Inspiration example it is giving a concept on how to tackle the challenge.

If you would like a fantastic example of inspiration check out my newest post on OpenIDEO.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Designing Together

IDEO is know for its innovative design process. Recently they launched a website called OpenIDEO. OpenIDEO is meant to include everyone in the design process, it doesn't matter if you are all ready in the business or just a high school student like me who likes tackling challenges.

OpenIDEO gets everyone thinking like designers with posted challenges, such as the current one dealing with raising kids' awareness of the benefits of fresh foods. Once a challenge is posted people are allowed to start posting inspiration. Then, as the challenge progresses, concepting and evaluation are opened for contributions.

A huge aspect of OpenIDEO is to promote teamwork. There are features that let you "build on" other user's work. Also you are able to comment and applaud others' work.

Also, as you post you get points towards your "design quotient." For example if you are to post in inspiration you get points towards the inspiration category. There is a handy dandy tool you click on the website that pops up showing a pie graph and the points you have so far in your design quotient.

Overall, I am very excited to see where this website goes. For all we know this could lead to solutions to major challenges the world faces.

Currently I have a piece of inspiration up on OpenIDEO check it out here.