Friday, August 6, 2010

What is Inspiration?

IDEO Office, Sanfrancisco

In my previous post I gave a brief explanation of OpenIDEO's 'food challenge.' I have noticed going through the inspirations that many seem to not understand what it is. Many users are posting concepts instead. This is understandable since it could be easy to get the two mixed up.

Inspiration is meant to be for posting pictures, articles, videos, and other things that could be related to the challenge. This step is to help the community think differently, and give ideas for concepts.


Inspiration: I have recently planted a rooftop garden, here are some pictures. (pictures of their roof top garden)

Not Inspirations: We should have fast food restaurants grow rooftop gardens.

Yes these aren't the best examples but they illustrate my point. The Inspiration example isn't saying what to do, just showing something relating to the challenge. As for the Not Inspiration example it is giving a concept on how to tackle the challenge.

If you would like a fantastic example of inspiration check out my newest post on OpenIDEO.

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